- anode
- 1. The positive pole of a galvanic battery or the electrode connected with it; an electrode toward which negatively charged ions (anions) migrate; a positively charged electrode. Cf.:cathode. 2. The portion, usually made of tungsten, of an x-ray tube from which x-rays are released by bombardment by cathode rays (electrons). SYN: positive electrode. [G. anodos, a way up, fr. ana, up, + hodos, a way]- rotating a. in diagnostic radiography, a mushroom-shaped a. in modern x-ray tubes that rotates rapidly to avoid local heat buildup from electron impact during x-ray generation.
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a) the positive terminal of an electrolytic cellb) the negative terminal of a storage battery that is delivering current* * *
an·ode (anґōd) [Gr. ana- up + hodos way] 1. in an electrochemical cell, the electrode at which oxidation occurs, i.e., the positive electrode in an electrolytic cell or a storage battery. It is the negative electrode in a voltaic cell that is delivering current. 2. the positive electrode of devices such as electron tubes, x-ray tubes, and electrophoresis cells. Symbol A. Cf. cathode. anodal adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.