- anisocytosis
- Considerable variation in the size of cells that are normally uniform, especially with reference to red blood cells. [aniso- + G. kytos, cell, + -osis, condition]
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an·iso·cy·to·sis -.sī-'tō-səs n, pl -to·ses -.sēz variation in size of cells and esp. of the red blood cells (as in pernicious anemia)an·iso·cy·tot·ic -'tät-ik adj* * *
n.an excessive variation in size between individual red blood cells. Anisocytosis is measured by some automatic analysers; these automated instruments calculate the red cell distribution width (RDW), which reflects anisocytosis. Anisocytosis may be a feature of almost any disease affecting the blood.* * *
an·iso·cy·to·sis (an-i″so-si-toґsis) [aniso- + cyt- + -osis] presence in the blood of erythrocytes with excessive variation in size; see also macrocythemia and microcythemia. Called also anisopoikilocytosis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.