- Bradykinesia
- Slowed ability to start and continue movements, and impaired ability to adjust the body’s position. Can be a symptom of neurological disorders, particularly Parkinson’s disease, or a side effect of medications. The word bradykinesia is logically derived from two Greek roots: bradys, slow + kinesis, movement = slow movement, slow motion, slow moving.
* * *A decrease in spontaneity and movement. One of the features of extrapyramidal disorders, such as Parkinson disease. SYN: bradycinesia. [brady- + G. kinesis, movement]
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bra·dy·ki·ne·sia -kī-'nē-zh(ē-)ə, -kə-, -zē-ə n extreme slowness of movements and reflexes (as in catatonic schizophrenia or in weightless spaceflight)* * *
n.a symptom of parkinsonism comprising a difficulty in initiating movements and slowness in executing movements.* * *
brady·ki·ne·sia (brad″e-kĭ-neґzhə) [brady- + kinesi- + -ia] abnormal slowness of muscular movement. Called also bradycinesia and bradypragia. Cf. hypokinesia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.