- shortening contraction
- a muscle contraction in which the ends of the muscle move closer together, as when a flexed limb is extended. Called also concentric c.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Contraction — Con*trac tion, n. [L. contractio: cf. F. contraction.] 1. The act or process of contracting, shortening, or shrinking; the state of being contracted; as, contraction of the heart, of the pupil of the eye, or of a tendon; the contraction produced… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Contraction — may refer to: In physiology: Muscle contraction, one that occurs when a muscle fiber lengthens or shortens Uterine contraction, contraction of the uterus, such as during childbirth Contraction, a stage in wound healing In linguistics: Synalepha,… … Wikipedia
contraction — [kən trak′shən] n. [ME contraccioun < OFr contraction < L contractio] 1. a contracting or being contracted 2. the shortening and thickening of a muscle fiber or a muscle in action, esp. of the uterus during labor 3. Gram. a) the shortening… … English World dictionary
contraction — late 14c., action of making a contract (especially of marriage), also action of shrinking or shortening, from O.Fr. contraction (13c.), or directly from L. contractionem (nom. contractio), noun of action from pp. stem of contrahere (see CONTRACT… … Etymology dictionary
contraction — [n] drawing in; shortening abbreviating, abbreviation, abridging, abridgment, compression, condensation, condensing, confinement, confining, constriction, curtailing, curtailment, cutting down, decrease, decreasing, deflating, deflation,… … New thesaurus
contraction — ► NOUN 1) the process of contracting. 2) a shortening of the muscles of the womb occurring at intervals during childbirth. 3) a word or group of words resulting from contracting an original form … English terms dictionary
contraction — 1. A shortening or increase in tension; denoting the normal function of muscle. 2. A shrinkage or reduction in size. 3. Heart beat, as in premature c..beat. [L. contractus, drawn together] after c … Medical dictionary
contraction — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Shrinking Nouns 1. (becoming smaller) contraction, reduction, diminution; decrease; shrinking, shriveling, atrophy, astringency; emaciation, attenuation, consumption, tabescence; abbreviation. See… … English dictionary for students
contraction — noun 1) the contraction of the industry Syn: shrinking, shrinkage, decline, decrease, diminution, dwindling 2) the contraction of muscles Syn: tightening, tensing, flexing 3) … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
contraction — noun Date: 15th century 1. a. the action or process of contracting ; the state of being contracted b. the shortening and thickening of a functioning muscle or muscle fiber c. a reduction in business activity or growth 2. a shorten … New Collegiate Dictionary