commissure of lips of mouth
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commissure — 1. Angle or corner of the eye, lips, or labia. 2. A bundle of nerve fibers passing from one side to the other in the brain or spinal cord. SYN: commissura [TA]. anterior c. [TA] a round bundle of … Medical dictionary
Mouth — This article is about the anatomical structure. For other uses, see Mouth (disambiguation). Mouth Head and neck … Wikipedia
Commissure — A commissure is the place where two things are joined. The term is used especially in the fields of anatomy and biology. In anatomy, commissure refers to a bundle of nerve fibers that cross the midline at their level of origin or entry (as… … Wikipedia
Mouth assessment — Nursing Assessment of the Mouth The mouth is the beginning of the digestive system and a big part of the airway for the respiratory system. This is a very important part of the total patient health assessment. Prior to beginning any assessment of … Wikipedia
Labial commissure of mouth — Fourteen Nylon sutures used to approximate the edges of this left cheek laceration, extending from the left commisure towards the left ear, allowing it to heal with considerably less scarring than it would without sutures … Wikipedia
Vestibule of mouth — Lips and teeth … Wikipedia
commissura labiorum oris — [TA] commissure of lips of mouth: the junction of the upper and lower lips at either side of the mouth … Medical dictionary
Lip reconstruction — may be required after trauma or surgical excision. The lips are considered the beginning of the oral cavity and they are the most common site of oral cavity cancer. Any reconstruction of the lips must include both functional and cosmetic… … Wikipedia
Labial — Pertaining to the lip, one of the fleshy folds which surround the opening of the mouth or the vagina. Oral Labia: The upper lip is separated from the nose by the philtrum, the area that lies between the base of the nose and the pigmented edge… … Medical dictionary
Lip — One of the two fleshy folds which surround the opening of the mouth. The upper lip is separated from the nose by the philtrum, the area that lies between the base of the nose and the pigmented edge (called the vermillion border or the carmine… … Medical dictionary