
A condition characterized by multiple angiomas.
- bacillary a. 1. an infection of immunocompromised patients by a newly recognized Rickettsial species Rochalimaea henselae, characterized by fever and granulomatous cutaneous nodules, and peliosis hepatis in some cases. Skin biopsy shows vascular proliferation and infiltration of vessel walls by neutrophils and clumps of organisms seen with Warthin-Starry silver staining. 2. infectious disease characterized by fever and granulomatous cutaneous lesions. There are two forms. In one, associated with Bartonella henselae cat bites and scratches are predisposing; lymph node s and viscera may be involved, and bacillary peliosis of liver and spleen can occur. A separate form, associated with B. quintana, is linked with conditions of poor hygiene (louse infestation, low income, poor or no housing); subcutaneous and bone lesions are more predominant.
- cephalotrigeminal a. SYN: Sturge-Weber syndrome.
- cerebroretinal a. SYN: von Hippel-Lindau syndrome.
- congenital dysplastic a. [MIM*185300 & MIM149000] autosomal dominant a. in which there is dysplasia of the underlying tissues, sometimes with overgrowth of bone (Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome), or encephalotrigeminal a. (Sturge-Weber syndrome) in which there is an angioma in the distribution of one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve, with vascular anomalies and calcification of the cerebral cortex.
- cutaneomeningospinal a. SYN: Cobb syndrome.
- encephalotrigeminal a. SYN: Sturge-Weber syndrome.
- oculoencephalic a. [MIM*185300] a forme fruste of Sturge-Weber syndrome, consisting of angiomas of the choroid and meninges only; probable autosomal dominant inheritance.
- telangiectatic a. disseminated capillary and venous vascular malformations of the cerebral hemispheres and leptomeninges, occurring in Sturge-Weber syndrome.

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an·gi·o·ma·to·sis .an--(.)ō--'-səs n, pl -to·ses -.sēz a condition characterized by the formation of multiple angiomas

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an·gi·o·ma·to·sis (anje-o-mə-toґsis) a diseased state of the vessels with the formation of multiple angiomas.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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