lyophilic colloid — liofilinis koloidas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Koloidas, kurio dispersinė fazė sąveikauja su dispersine terpe. atitikmenys: angl. lyophilic colloid rus. лиофильный коллоид … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
lyophilic — 1. In colloid chemistry, denoting a dispersed phase having a pronounced affinity for the dispersion medium; when the dispersed phase is l., the colloid is usually a reversible one. 2. Denoting a preference for the solvent. SYN: lyotropi … Medical dictionary
lyophilic — adjective Date: 1911 marked by strong affinity between a dispersed phase and the liquid in which it is dispersed < a lyophilic colloid > … New Collegiate Dictionary
colloid — 1. Aggregates of atoms or molecules in a finely divided state (submicroscopic), dispersed in a gaseous, liquid, or solid medium, and resisting sedimentation, diffusion, and filtration, thus differing from precipitates. SEE ALSO: hydrocolloid … Medical dictionary
lyophilic — /luy euh fil ik/, adj. Physical Chem. noting a colloid the particles of which have a strong affinity for the liquid in which they are dispersed. Also, lyophile /luy euh fuyl /. [1910 15; lyo (comb. form repr. Gk lýein to loose, dissolve, set… … Universalium
lyophilic — [ˌlʌɪə(ʊ) fɪlɪk] adjective Chemistry (of a colloid) readily dispersed by a solvent and not easily precipitated. Origin early 20th cent.: from Gk luein loosen, dissolve + philos loving … English new terms dictionary
lyophilic — ly•o•phil•ic [[t]ˌlaɪ əˈfɪl ɪk[/t]] also ly•o•phile [[t]ˈlaɪ əˌfaɪl[/t]] adj. chem. noting a colloid the particles of which have a strong affinity for the liquid in which they are dispersed • Etymology: 1910–15; < Gk ly(ein) to loosen,… … From formal English to slang
lyophilic — /laɪəˈfɪlɪk/ (say luyuh filik) adjective (of a colloid) having dispersed particles with an affinity for the liquid in which they are dispersed …
lyophilic — adj. (of a colloid) readily dispersed by a solvent. Etymology: Gk luo loosen, dissolve + Gk philos loving … Useful english dictionary
protective colloid — noun : a lyophilic colloid (as gelatin, a natural gum, or a cellulose derivative) that when present in small quantities renders lyophobic colloids stable toward the coagulating action of electrolytes gelatin acts in part as a protective colloid… … Useful english dictionary