
A small tag of skin that may have a stalk (a peduncle). An acrochordon may appear on skin anywhere although the favorite locales are the eyelids, neck, armpits (axillae), upper chest, and groin. Invariably benign, this tiny tumor of the skin usually causes no symptoms unless repeatedly irritated as, for example, by the collar. Treatment may be done by freezing with liquid nitrogen or by cutting off with a scalpel or scissors if the acrochordon is irritating or cosmetically unwanted. The term "acrochordon" is from the Greek "acro-" (which means top, summit, extreme, or refers to an arm or leg) + "chorde", string. Medically, an acrochordon is also called a cutaneous papilloma. It is far better known as a skin tag.
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SYN: skin tag. [acro- + G. chorde, cord]

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ac·ro·chor·don .ak-rə-'kȯr-.dän n SKIN TAG

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ac·ro·chor·don (ak″ro-korґdən) [acro- + chordo-] a type of papillomatous skin lesion, sometimes slightly discolored, usually seen on the neck, upper chest, or axilla of middle-aged women. The epidermis is hyperplastic and encloses a dermal connective tissue stalk composed of loose, edematous collagen fibers; larger lesions may be pedunculated and are called soft fibromas. Called also skin tag, cutaneous tag or papilloma, and fibroepithelial polyp.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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