Chorea gravidarum — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G25.5, O99.3 eMedicine … Wikipedia
Chorea gravidarum — La chorea gravidarum o corea gravídica es un término médico para referirse a un trastorno del embarazo caracterizado por la aparición de movimientos relativamente rápidos y fluidos, pero no rítmicos, de las extremidades y el tronco. En algunos… … Wikipedia Español
Chorea minor — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 I02.0 Rheumatische Chorea mit Herzbeteiligung I02.9 Rheumatische Chorea ohne Herzbeteiligung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chorea (Medizin) — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 G25.4 arzneimittelinduzierte Chorea G25.5 sonstige Chorea … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chorea — Ceaseless rapid complex body movements that look well coordinated and purposeful but are, in fact, involuntary. Chorea was thought suggestive of a grotesque dance. The term chorea is derived from the Greek word choreia for dancing (as is… … Medical dictionary
ХОРЕЯ — (от греч. choreia танец), гиперкинетический синдром, характеризующийся непроизвольными движениями в форме аритмических, некоординированных сокращений мускулатуры, наблюдающихся как в покое, так и при движениях, не подлежащих волевой задержке,… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
Organic prepartum and postpartum psychoses — There are many distinct forms of psychosis which start during pregnancy (prepartum) or after delivery (postpartum). In Europe and North America, only one – acute postpartum bipolar or polymorphic psychosis (postpartum psychosis)– is commonly seen … Wikipedia
Veitstanz — Huntington Chorea; Chorea Huntington; Chorea major Huntington; Chorea major * * * Veits|tanz 〈m. 1u; unz.〉 Nervenerkrankung mit Muskelzuckungen u. unwillkürlichen, fahrigen Bewegungen; Sy Chorea [nach St. Veit, der dem Sohn Diokletians den Teufel … Universal-Lexikon
Morning sickness — Mild hyperemesis gravidarum (no metabolic derangement) Classification and external resources ICD 10 O21.0 ICD 9 643.0 … Wikipedia
nervous system disease — Introduction any of the diseases or disorders that affect the functioning of the human nervous system (nervous system, human). Everything that humans sense, consider, and effect and all the unlearned reflexes of the body depend on the… … Universalium