
A generalized infiltration of edema fluid into subcutaneous connective tissue. SYN: hydrosarca. [G. ana, through, + sarx (sark-), flesh]
- fetoplacental a. edema of fetus and placenta as found in fetal hydrops.

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an·a·sar·ca .an-ə-'sär-kə n generalized edema with accumulation of serum in the connective tissue
an·a·sar·cous -kəs adj

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massive swelling of the legs, trunk, and genitalia due to retention of fluid (oedema): found in congestive heart failure and some forms of renal failure.

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ana·sar·ca (an″ə-sahrґkə) [ana- + sarco] generalized massive edema.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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