- centrocecal
- cen·tro·ce·cal (sen″tro-seґkəl) pertaining to the central macular area and the blind spot; called also cecocentral.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
centrocecal scotoma — a horizontal oval scotoma that extends from the point of fixation to the blind spot … Medical dictionary
escotoma centrocecal — Eng. Cecocentral scotoma Escotoma que aparece por lesión de las fibras del haz papilomacular lo que produce un escotoma en el punto de fijación y un aumento de la mancha ciega … Diccionario de oftalmología
cecocentral scotoma — centrocecal s … Medical dictionary
Optic neuropathy — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H46 The optic nerve contains axons of nerve cells that emerge from the retina, leave the eye at the optic disc, and go to the visual cortex where input from the eye is processed into vision. There are… … Wikipedia
escotoma de empalme — Escotoma centrocecal ipsilateral al que se asocia cuadrantanopsia temporal superior contralateral, característico de las compresiones prequiasmáticas … Diccionario de oftalmología
cecocentral — ce·co·cen·tral (se″ko senґtrəl) centrocecal … Medical dictionary