cellulae ethmoidales anteriores
- cellulae ethmoidales anteriores
- [TA] anterior ethmoidal cells: ethmoidal air cells that open into the middle nasal meatus; they are often grouped with adjacent middle and posterior ethmoidal cells and called simply ethmoidal cells or sinuses. Called also sinus ethmoidales anteriores.
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cellulae ethmoidales — [TA] ethmoidal cells: collective name for a type of paranasal sinus occurring in groups within the ethmoid bone and communicating with the ethmoidal infundibulum and bulla and the superior and highest meatuses. They are often subdivided into… … Medical dictionary
sinus ethmoidales anteriores — cellulae ethmoidales anteriores … Medical dictionary
ethmoidal cells anterior — cellulae ethmoidales anteriores … Medical dictionary
ethmoidal air cells anterior — cellulae ethmoidales anteriores … Medical dictionary
ethmoidal sinuses anterior — cellulae ethmoidales anteriores … Medical dictionary
Cell — The basic structural and functional unit in people and all living things. Each cell is a small container of chemicals and water wrapped in a membrane. Each cell in the human body there are 100 trillion cells in each of us contains the entire… … Medical dictionary
cellula — 1. [NA] In gross anatomy, a small but macroscopic compartment. SYN: cellule. 2. In histology, a cell. [L. a small chamber, dim. of cella] cellulae coli SYN: haustra of colon, under haustrum. cellulae ethmoidales [TA] SYN: ethmoid c … Medical dictionary
anterior sinuses — sinus anteriores cellulae ethmoidales anteriores … Medical dictionary
НЕРВЫ ЧЕЛОВЕКА — НЕРВЫ ЧЕЛОВЕКА. [Анатомия, физиология и патология нерва см. ст. Нервы в томе XX; там же (ст. 667 782) рисунки Нервы человека]. Ниже приведена таблица нервов, освещающая в систематическом порядке важнейшие моменты анатомии и физиологии каждого… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
КРОВЕНОСНЫЕ СОСУДЫ — КРОВЕНОСНЫЕ СОСУДЫ. Содержание: I. Эмбриология................. 389 П. Общий анатомический очерк ......... 397 Артериальная система........... 397 Венозная система...... ....... 406 Таблица артерий ............. 411 Таблица вен................… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия