
Peculiarity of the pulse wave. See anacrotic pulse. SYN: anadicrotism. [G. ana, up, + krotos, a beat]

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anac·ro·tism ə-'nak-rə-.tiz-əm n an abnormality of the blood circulation characterized by a secondary notch in the ascending part of a sphygmographic tracing of the pulse
an·a·crot·ic .an-ə-'krät-ik adj

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the condition in which there is an abnormal curve in the ascending line of a pulse tracing. It may be seen in cases of aortic stenosis.
anacrotic adj.

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anac·ro·tism (ə-nakґrə-tiz-əm) [ana- + Gr. krotos beat + -ism] the presence of an anacrotic pulse.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • anacrotism — n. the condition in which there is an abnormal curve in the ascending line of a pulse tracing. It may be seen in cases of aortic stenosis. Derivatives: anacrotic adj …   The new mediacal dictionary

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