Morgagni caruncle

Morgagni caruncle
morgagnian caruncle lobus medius prostatae.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Morgagni caruncle foramen etc. — Mor·ga·gni caruncle, foramen, etc. (mor gahґnye) [Giovanni Battista Morgagni, Italian anatomist and pathologist, 1682–1771; professor at Padua, and the founder of pathological anatomy, whose clinicopathological reports were published in 1761… …   Medical dictionary

  • caruncle — A small, fleshy protuberance, or any structure suggesting such a shape. SYN: caruncula (1) [TA]. lacrimal c. [TA] a small reddish body at the medial angle of the eye, containing modified sebaceous and sweat glands. SYN: caruncula lacrimalis [TA] …   Medical dictionary

  • Morgagni — Giovanni B., Italian anatomist and pathologist, 1682–1771. See morgagnian cyst, M. appendix, M. cartilage, M. caruncle, M. cataract, M. columns, under column, M. concha, M. crypts, under crypt, M. disease, M. foramen, M. foramen hernia, M. fossa …   Medical dictionary

  • lobe — 1. One of the subdivisions of an organ or other part, bounded by fissures, sulci, connective tissue septa, or other structural demarcations. 2. A rounded projecting part, as the l. of the ear. SEE ALSO: lobule. 3. One of the larger divisions of… …   Medical dictionary

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