- Cannizzaro reaction
- Can·niz·za·ro reaction (kahn″e-tsahґro) [Stanislao Cannizzaro, Italian chemist, 1826–1910] see under reaction.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Cannizzaro reaction — The Cannizzaro reaction, named after its discoverer Stanislao Cannizzaro, is a chemical reaction that involves the base induced disproportionation of an aldehyde lacking a hydrogen atom in the alpha position. [cite journal author = Cannizzaro, S … Wikipedia
cannizzaro reaction — |kanə|zä(ˌ)rō , nət|sä noun Usage: usually capitalized C Etymology: after Stanislao Cannizzaro died 1910 Italian chemist : a reaction of aldehydes with caustic alkali in which one molecule of aldehyde is reduced to the corresponding alcohol and… … Useful english dictionary
Cannizzaro reaction — the reaction which certain aldehydes may undergo in concentrated alkali; one molecule of the aldehyde is reduced to the corresponding alcohol and another molecule is simultaneously oxidized to the salt of a carboxylic acid … Medical dictionary
Cannizzaro, Stanislao — ▪ Italian chemist Introduction born July 13, 1826, Palermo, Sicily, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies [Italy] died May 10, 1910, Rome, Italy Italian chemist who was closely associated with a crucial reform movement in science. Education and early … Universalium
Reaction de Cannizzaro — Réaction de Cannizzaro La réaction de Cannizzaro est la dismutation d un aldéhyde sans hydrogène sur le carbone en alpha en présence d une base forte formant un alcool et un sel d acide carboxylique. Par exemples: Dismutation du formaldéhyde en… … Wikipédia en Français
Réaction de cannizzaro — La réaction de Cannizzaro est la dismutation d un aldéhyde sans hydrogène sur le carbone en alpha en présence d une base forte formant un alcool et un sel d acide carboxylique. Par exemples: Dismutation du formaldéhyde en méthanol et formiate… … Wikipédia en Français
Réaction de Cannizzaro — La réaction de Cannizzaro est la dismutation d un aldéhyde dépourvu d hydrogène sur le carbone en alpha de la fonction carbonyle, en présence d une base forte formant un alcool et un sel d acide carboxylique. Elle tient son nom de Stanislao… … Wikipédia en Français
Cannizzaro , Stanislao — (1826–1910) Italian chemist Born the son of a magistrate in Palermo, Sicily, Cannizzaro studied physiology in his native city and at Naples. He turned to organic chemistry after realizing the importance of chemical processes in neurophysiology,… … Scientists
Cannizzaro — Stanislao Cannizzaro Stanislao Cannizzaro Stanislao Cannizzaro, né à Palerme le 13 juillet 1826 et mort à Rome le 10 mai 1910, est un chimiste italien. Biographie En … Wikipédia en Français
reaction — 1. The response of a muscle or other living tissue or organism to a stimulus. 2. The color change effected in litmus and certain other organic pigments by contact with substances such as acids or alkalies; also the property that such substances… … Medical dictionary