- bronchiol(o)-
- [L. bronchiolus, dim. of bronchus] a combining form denoting relationship to one or more bronchioles.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Bronchiolitis — Inflammation of the bronchioles, part of the respiratory tree. The bronchioles are part of the airways that extend beyond the bronchi and terminate in the alveoli where oxygen exchange occurs. Bronchiolitis is most commonly due to viral… … Medical dictionary
bronchiolectasis — Bronchiectasis involving the bronchioles. SYN: bronchiolectasia. [bronchiole + G. ektasis, a stretching] * * * bron·chi·ol·ec·ta·sis .bräŋ kē ō lek tə səs n, pl ta·ses .sēz dilatation of the bronchioles * * * bron·chio·lec·ta·sis (brong″ke… … Medical dictionary
bronchiolar — adjective of or relating to or involving bronchioles (Freq. 1) • Pertains to noun: ↑bronchiole • Derivationally related forms: ↑bronchiole * * * |bräŋkē|ōlə(r), änk ; (ˈ)brän|kīəl , äŋ| adjective … Useful english dictionary