
The optic condition in which there is an error of refraction so that with the eye at rest the retina is not in conjugate focus with light rays from distant objects, i.e., only less distant objects are focused on the retina. [G. ametros, disproportionate, fr. a- priv. + metron, measure, + ops, eye]
- axial a. that resulting from a shortening or lengthening of the eyeball on the optic axis, causing hyperopia or myopia, respectively.
- index a. that resulting from alteration in the refractive index of the lens of the eye. SYN: refractive a..
- refractive a. SYN: index a..

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am·e·tro·pia .am-ə-'trō--ə n an abnormal refractive eye condition (as myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism) in which images fail to focus upon the retina
am·e·tro·pic -'trō-pik, -'träp-ik adj

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any abnormality of refraction of the eye, resulting in blurring of the image formed on the retina. See astigmatism, hypermetropia, myopia. Compare emmetropia.

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am·e·tro·pia (amə-troґpe-ə) [Gr. ametros disproportionate + -opia] discrepancy between the size and refractive powers of the eye, such that images are not brought to a proper focus on the retina; consequently hyperopia, myopia, or astigmatism are produced. See illustration at refraction. ametropic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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