- amblyoscope
- A reflecting stereoscope used to evaluate or simulate binocular vision. SEE ALSO: haploscope. [amblyopia + G. skopeo, to view]- Worth a. the original a.; a hand-held a. consisting of angled tubes that can be swiveled to any degree of convergence or divergence.
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am·bly·o·scope 'am-blē-ə-.skōp n an instrument for training amblyopic eyes to function properly* * *
n.an instrument for measuring the angle of a squint and assessing the degree to which a person uses both eyes together. It consists of two L-shaped tubes, the short arms of which are joined by a hinge so that the long arms point away from each other. The subject looks into the short end and each eye sees, via a system of mirrors and lenses, a different picture, which is placed at the other end of each tube. If a squint is present, the tubes may be adjusted so that the short arms line up with the direction of each eye.* * *
am·blyo·scope (amґble-o-skōp″) [amblyopia + -scope] a hand-held reflecting stereoscope that can measure convergence and divergence, measure or train binocular vision, or stimulate vision in an amblyopic eye.
Medical dictionary. 2011.