- ambidextrous
- Having equal facility in the use of both hands.
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am·bi·dex·trous (am″bĭ-dekґstrəs) pertaining to or characterized by ambidexterity.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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am·bi·dex·trous (am″bĭ-dekґstrəs) pertaining to or characterized by ambidexterity.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Ambidextrous — Am bi*dex trous, a. 1. Having the faculty of using both hands with equal ease. Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster] 2. Practicing or siding with both parties. [1913 Webster] All false, shuffling, and ambidextrous dealings. L Estrange. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ambidextrous — (adj.) 1640s, with OUS (Cf. ous), from ambidexter (adj.) double dealing (1610s), from Fr. ambidextre or directly from L. ambidexter, lit. right handed on both sides, from ambi both (see AMBI (Cf. ambi )) + dexter right handed (see … Etymology dictionary
ambidextrous — Note the spelling trous, not terous … Modern English usage
ambidextrous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ able to use the right and left hands equally well. DERIVATIVES ambidexterity noun ambidextrously adverb ambidextrousness noun. ORIGIN from Latin ambi on both sides + dexter right handed … English terms dictionary
ambidextrous — [am΄bə deks′trəs] adj. [< earlier ambidexter + OUS] 1. able to use both hands with equal ease 2. very skillful or versatile 3. deceitful; double dealing ambidexterity [am΄bədeks ter′ə tē] n. ambidextrously adv … English World dictionary
ambidextrous — ambidextrously, adv. ambidextrousness, n. /am bi dek streuhs/, adj. 1. able to use both hands equally well: an ambidextrous surgeon. 2. unusually skillful; facile: an ambidextrous painter, familiar with all media. 3. double dealing; deceitful. 4 … Universalium
ambidextrous — [16] Ambidextrous means literally ‘right handed on both sides’. It was formed in Latin from the prefix ambi ‘both’ and the adjective dexter ‘right handed’ (source of English dextrous). Ambi corresponds to the Latin adjective ambo ‘both’, which… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
ambidextrous — [[t]æ̱mbide̱kstrəs[/t]] ADJ: usu v link ADJ Someone who is ambidextrous can use both their right hand and their left hand equally skilfully … English dictionary
ambidextrous — [16] Ambidextrous means literally ‘right handed on both sides’. It was formed in Latin from the prefix ambi ‘both’ and the adjective dexter ‘right handed’ (source of English dextrous). Ambi corresponds to the Latin adjective ambo ‘both’, which… … Word origins
Ambidextrous organization — Organizational ambidexterity refers to an organization’s ability to be efficient in their management of today’s business and also adaptable for coping with tomorrow’s changing demands.[1] Contents 1 Overview 1.1 Origin and Development … Wikipedia
Ambidextrous (novel) — infobox Book | name = Ambidextrous: The Secret Lives of Children author = Ryan Picano cover artist = Deni Ponty country = United States language = English genre = Autobiographic Novel publisher = Hayworth Press release date = 1985 media type =… … Wikipedia