- peridural block
- epidural b.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
epidural block — regional anesthesia produced by injection of the anesthetic agent into the epidural space. Injection may be between the vertebral spines, in the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar region, or into the sacral hiatus, which is also known as caudal block… … Medical dictionary
Anesthesia — Loss of feeling or awareness. A local anesthetic causes loss of feeling in a part of the body. A general anesthetic puts the person to sleep. * * * 1. Loss of sensation resulting from pharmacologic depression of nerve function or from neurologic… … Medical dictionary
Epiduralkanüle — Tuohy Nadel, Größe 16G, mit passendem Periduralkatheter im Hintergrund Als Epiduralkanüle (Epiduralnadel, Periduralnadel oder kanüle) werden Kanülen bezeichnet, die sich aufgrund ihrer speziellen Form dazu eignen, den Epiduralraum (Periduralraum) … Deutsch Wikipedia
epidural anesthesia — n anesthesia produced by injection of a local anesthetic into the peridural space of the spinal cord beneath the ligamentum flavum called also peridural anesthesia * * * see under block … Medical dictionary
Lidocaine — Systematic (IUPAC) name 2 (diethylamino) … Wikipedia
Cocaine — For other uses, see Cocaine (disambiguation). Cocaine … Wikipedia
Dogliotti's principle — is a principle in epidural anaesthesia first described by Professor Achille Mario Dogliotti in 1933.[1] It is a method for the identification of the epidural space, a potential space. As a needle is advanced through the ligamentum flavum, to the… … Wikipedia
Scarf-Osteotomie — Die Scarf Osteotomie ist ein orthopädisches Operationsverfahren mit Knochendurchtrennung zur Korrektur (Korrekturosteotomie) von Fehlstellungen des ersten Mittelfußknochens (Metatarsale 1 Osteotomie). Sie wird häufig bei einem Hallux valgus mit… … Deutsch Wikipedia