- Amanita
- A. muscaria a toxic species of mushroom with yellow to red pileus and white gills; it contains muscarine, a cholinomimetic, which produces psychosislike states and other symptoms. SYN: fly agaric.- A. phalloides a species containing poisonous principles, including phalloidin and amanitin, that cause gastroenteritis, hepatic necrosis, and renal necrosis. SYN: deadly agaric.
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am·a·ni·ta .am-ə-'nīt-ə, -'nēt- n1) cap a genus of widely distributed white-spored basidiomycetous fungi (family Amanitaceae) that includes some deadly poisonous forms (as the death cap)2) a fungus of the genus Amanita* * *
n.a genus of fungi that contains several species of poisonous toad-stools, including A. phalloides (death cap), A. pantherina (panther cap), and A. muscaria (fly agaric). They produce toxins that cause abdominal pain, violent vomiting, and continuous diarrhoea. In the absence of treatment death occurs in approximately 50% of cases, due to severe liver damage.* * *
Am·a·ni·ta (am″ə-niґtə) [Gr. amanitai a sort of fungus] a genus of mushrooms of the family Amanitaceae, order Agaricales, several of which are poisonous.
Medical dictionary. 2011.