
A channel or trough. [L. tray, trough, cavity, fr. alvus, belly]
- a. hippocampi [TA] SYN: a. of hippocampus.
- a. of hippocampus [TA] a thin white band of fornix fibers covering the ventricular surface of the hippocampus. SYN: a. hippocampi [TA].
- a. urogenitalis obsolete term for prostatic utricle.

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al·ve·us 'al-vē-əs n, pl al·vei -vē-.ī, -.ē a thin layer of medullary nerve fibers on the ventricular surface of the hippocampus

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a cavity, groove, or canal. The alveus hippocampi is the bundle of nerve fibres in the brain forming a depression in which the hippocampus lies.

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al·ve·us (alґve-əs) gen. and pl. alґvei [L.] a trough or a canal.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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