sentinel node biopsy

sentinel node biopsy
biopsy of a sentinel node to assess for malignancy; if it does not contain malignant cells, this usually eliminates the need for removal of more distal nodes. Called also intraoperative lymphatic mapping.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • sentinel node — n the first lymph node to receive lymphatic drainage from the site of a primary tumor <studies concluded that sentinel node biopsy can predict whether axillary node metastasis is present (Lecia M. Apantaku)> <the use of sentinel nodes… …   Medical dictionary

  • Sentinel-Node-Szintigraphie — Wächterlymphknoten (auch Sentinel Lymphknoten, von engl. sentinel für „Wächter“) ist ein Konzept in der Erkennung (Diagnose) und Behandlung (Therapie) bestimmter bösartiger Tumoren (Krebs), insbesondere Brustkrebs (Mammakarzinom), schwarzer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sentinel-lymph-node biopsy — Examination of the first lymph node ( gland ) that receives lymphatic drainage from a tumor to learn whether that node does or does not have tumor cells within it. Which lymph node is the sentinel node for a given tumor is determined by injecting …   Medical dictionary

  • sentinel lymph node biopsy — Removal and examination of the sentinel node(s) (the first lymph node(s) to which cancer cells are likely to spread from a primary tumor). To identify the sentinel lymph node(s), the surgeon injects a radioactive substance, blue dye, or both near …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • Sentinel-Lymphknoten — Wächterlymphknoten (auch Sentinel Lymphknoten, von engl. sentinel für „Wächter“) ist ein Konzept in der Erkennung (Diagnose) und Behandlung (Therapie) bestimmter bösartiger Tumoren (Krebs), insbesondere Brustkrebs (Mammakarzinom), schwarzer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Biopsy, sentinel-lymph-node — Examination of the first lymph node ( gland ) that receives lymphatic drainage from a tumor to learn whether that node does or does not have tumor cells within it. Which lymph node is the sentinel node for a given tumor is determined by injecting …   Medical dictionary

  • Node, sentinel lymph — The first lymph node ( gland ) to receive lymphatic drainage from a tumor. Which lymph node is the sentinel node for a given tumor is determined by injecting around the tumor a tracer substance that will travel through the lymphatic system to the …   Medical dictionary

  • Sentinel lymph node — The first lymph node ( gland ) to receive lymphatic drainage from a tumor. Which lymph node is the sentinel node in a given case is determined by injecting around the tumor a tracer substance that will travel through the lymphatic system to the… …   Medical dictionary

  • Sentinel lymph node — The sentinel lymph node is the hypothetical first lymph node or group of nodes reached by metastasizing cancer cells from a tumor.PhysiologyThe spread of some forms of cancer usually follows an orderly progression, spreading first to regional… …   Wikipedia

  • Lymph node, sentinel — The first lymph node ( gland ) to receive lymphatic drainage from a tumor. Which lymph node is the sentinel node for a given tumor is determined by injecting around the tumor a tracer substance that will travel through the lymphatic system to the …   Medical dictionary

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