- dental biomechanics
- the relationship between the biologic behavior of oral structures and the physical influence of a dental restoration or appliance. Called also dental biophysics.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Dental implant — Intervention A Straumann brand root form endosseous dental implant placed in the site of the maxillary left permanent first molar with bone graft used to elevate the sinus floor … Wikipedia
biomechanics — The science concerned with the action of forces, internal or external, on the living body. dental b. SYN: dental biophysics. * * * bio·me·chan·ics mi kan iks n pl but sing or pl in constr the mechanical bases of biological, esp. muscular,… … Medical dictionary
dental biophysics — see under biomechanics … Medical dictionary
Кнетс — Кнетс, Иварс Иварс Кнетс латыш. Ivars Knēts Дата рождения … Википедия
Кнетс, Иварс — Иварс Кнетс латыш. Ivars Knēts Дата рождения: 17 сентября 1938(1938 09 17) (74 года) Место рождения: Рига, Латвия … Википедия
Osseointegration — derives from the Greek osteon, bone, and the Latin integrare, to make whole. The term refers to the direct structural and functional connection between living bone and the surface of a load bearing artificial implant. Osseointegration has… … Wikipedia
biophysics — 1. The study of biologic processes and materials by means of the theories and tools of physics; the application of physical methods to analyze biologic problems and processes. 2. The study of physical processes ( e.g., electricity, luminescence)… … Medical dictionary
Forensic dentistry — Forensic science Physiological sciences … Wikipedia
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry — College of Dentistry Established 1891 Type Public Dean Bruce S. Graham Academic sta … Wikipedia
University of Otago Faculty of Dentistry — University of Otago Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo Motto Latin: Sapere aude ( Dare to be wise ) Established 1907 Location Dunedin … Wikipedia