- Alternaria
- A genus of fungi easily isolated from air and considered to be a common laboratory contaminant and an allergen; occasionally pathogenic in humans.
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Al·ter·nar·ia .ȯl-tər-'nar-ē-ə n a genus of imperfect fungi (family Dematiaceae) producing chains of dark conidia tapering at the upper end and arranged like bricks* * *
Al·ter·na·ria (awl″tər-narґe-ə) a genus of Fungi Imperfecti of the form-class Hyphomycetes, form-family Dematiaceae; it has dark-colored conidia and somewhat resembles Trichophyton. It causes several diseases of plants and is a common allergen in human bronchial asthma; it occasionally causes alternariosis of the skin or lung.Alternaria, with dematiaceous conidia borne in chains on short conidiophores. Multicelled conidia have angular cross-walls and taper distally.
Medical dictionary. 2011.