
The monovalent radical, CH2=CHCH2—.
- a. alcohol a colorless liquid of pungent odor used in making resins and plasticizers; highly irritating to mucous membranes and readily absorbed, causing depression and coma. SYN: vinyl carbinol.
- a. cyanide found in some mustard oil s.
- a. isothiocyanate obtained from Brassica nigra by the action of water on sinigrin and myrosin or produced synthetically; a vesicant, used in 10% solution in 50% alcohol as a counterirritant in neuralgia. Gives mustard its characteristic flavor and aroma. SEE ALSO: mustard oil. SYN: volatile mustard oil.
- a. sulfide a constituent of garlic oil used in the manufacture of flavors.

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al·lyl 'al-əl n, often attrib an unsaturated monovalent radical C3H5 compounds of which are found in the oils of garlic and mustard
al·lyl·ic ə-'lil-ik, a- adj

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al·lyl (alґəl) [allium + -yl] a univalent organic group, CH2CHCH2.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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