- alloplasty
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al·lo·plas·ty (alґo-plas″te) [allo- + -plasty] in psychoanalytic theory, adaptation by alteration of the external environment (alloplastic change). Cf. autoplasty (def. 2).
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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al·lo·plas·ty (alґo-plas″te) [allo- + -plasty] in psychoanalytic theory, adaptation by alteration of the external environment (alloplastic change). Cf. autoplasty (def. 2).Medical dictionary. 2011.
alloplasty — /al euh plas tee/, n., pl. alloplasties. Surg. implantation of a synthetic material to replace a diseased or damaged body tissue or organ. [ALLO + PLASTY] * * * … Universalium
alloplasty — al·lo·plas·ty … English syllables
alloplasty — noun see alloplasticity … Useful english dictionary
Organlegging — This article is about a science fiction concept. For its real life equivalent, see Organ theft. Organlegging is the name of a fictional crime in the Known Space universe created by Larry Niven. It is the illicit trade of black market human organs … Wikipedia
autoplasty — au·to·plas·ty ȯt ə .plas tē n, pl ties the repairing of lesions with tissue from the same body * * * au·to·plas·ty (awґto plas″te) [auto + plasty] 1. autotransplantation. 2. in psychoanalytic theory, adaptation by changing oneself… … Medical dictionary
alloplastic — al·lo·plas·tic (al″o plasґtik) 1. pertaining to an alloplast. 2. pertaining to or characterized by alloplasty … Medical dictionary
αλλοπλαστική — η η χρησιμοποίηση νεκρού υλικού (μέταλλο, συνθετική ουσία) σε πλαστικές εγχειρήσεις. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Ελληνογενές < αλλο * + πλαστική, θηλ. τού πλαστικός, πρβλ. αγγλ. alloplasty] … Dictionary of Greek
al|lo|plas|tic — «AL uh PLAS tihk», adjective. 1. shaping or altering the environment: »alloplastic adaptation. 2. of or having to do with alloplasty … Useful english dictionary