pudendal artery internal

pudendal artery internal
arteria pudenda interna.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • pudendal artery — see EXTERNAL PUDENDAL ARTERY, INTERNAL PUDENDAL ARTERY …   Medical dictionary

  • internal pudendal artery — n a branch of the internal iliac artery that is distributed or gives off branches distributed esp. to the external genitalia and the perineum compare EXTERNAL PUDENDAL ARTERY …   Medical dictionary

  • Internal pudendal artery — Infobox Artery Name = Internal pudendal artery Latin = arteria pudenda interna GraySubject = 155 GrayPage = 617 Caption = Left gluteal region, showing surface markings for arteries and sciatic nerve. Caption2 = The superficial branches of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Superficial external pudendal artery — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = arteria pudenda externa superficialis GraySubject = 157 GrayPage = 629 Caption = The left femoral triangle. (Superficial external pudendal vessels labeled at upper left.) Caption2 = Scheme of the femoral… …   Wikipedia

  • Deep external pudendal artery — Artery: Deep external pudendal artery The left femoral triangle. (Deep external pudendal vessels labeled at upper left.) …   Wikipedia

  • external pudendal artery — n either of two branches of the femoral artery: a) one that is distributed to the skin of the lower abdomen, to the penis and scrotum in the male, and to one of the labia majora in the female, and that anastomoses with the internal pudendal… …   Medical dictionary

  • Internal pudendal — can refer to: * Internal pudendal artery * Internal pudendal veins …   Wikipedia

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  • Pudendal vessels — can refer to: * Internal pudendal artery * Deep external pudendal artery …   Wikipedia

  • internal pudendal vein — n any of several veins that receive blood from the external genitalia and the perineum, accompany the internal pudendal artery, and unite to form a single vein that empties into the internal iliac vein …   Medical dictionary

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