- Alcaligenes
- A genus of Gram-negative, rod-shaped, nonfermenting bacteria (family Achromobacteraceae) which are either motile and peritrichous or nonmotile. They are strictly aerobic; some strains are capable of anaerobic respiration in the presence of nitrate or nitrite; their metabolism is respiratory, never fermentative; they do not use carbohydrates. Found mostly in the intestinal canal, decaying materials, dairy products, water, and soil; they can be isolated from human respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and wounds in hospitalized patients with compromised immune systems; occasionally the cause of opportunistic infections, including nosocomial septicemia. Type species is A. faecalis. [alkali + G. -gen, producing]
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1) cap a genus of gram-negative motile bacteria that do not ferment carbohydrates and are aerobes or facultative anaerobes, commonly occur in water and soil, and include some (as A. faecalis) that are found in the intestines of vertebrates including humans and are usu. harmless but have been associated with opportunistic infections* * *
Al·ca·li·ge·nes (al″kə-lijґə-nēz) [Ar. al-qily potash + Gr. gennan to produce] a widespread genus of gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped, alkaline-producing bacteria of the family Alcaligenaceae, found in the intestines of vertebrates and as part of normal skin flora; it is occasionally the cause of opportunistic infections.
Medical dictionary. 2011.