superficial plantar arch
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Plantar venous arch — Vein: Plantar venous arch The plantar arteries. Deep view. (Veins not shown, but path of veins is similar to that of arteries.) Latin arcus venosus plantaris Gray s … Wikipedia
Plantar metatarsal veins — Vein: Plantar metatarsal veins The plantar arteries. Deep view. (Plantar metatarsal veins not visible, but location is similar to that of plantar metatarsal arteries, which are labeled at bottom right.) Latin venae metatarsales plantares … Wikipedia
arch — Any structure resembling a bent bow or an a.; an arc. In anatomy, any vaulted or archlike structure. See arcus. SYN: arcus [TA]. [thru O. Fr. fr. L. arcus, bow] abdominothoracic a. a bell shaped line defined by the lower end of the sternum and… … Medical dictionary
Deep plantar artery — Artery: Deep plantar artery The plantar arteries. Deep view. (Deep plantar labeled at center left.) … Wikipedia
Medial plantar artery — Artery: Medial plantar artery The plantar arteries. Deep view. (Medial plantar artery visible at upper left.) … Wikipedia
Common plantar digital arteries — Artery: Common plantar digital arteries The plantar arteries. Deep view. (Common plantar digital arteries visible at bottom but not labeled.) Latin arteriae digitales plantares communes So … Wikipedia
Dorsal venous arch of the foot — Vein: Dorsal venous arch of the foot The great saphenous vein and its tributaries. Latin arcus venosus dorsalis pedis Gray s … Wikipedia
Venous arch — can refer to:*Plantar venous arch *Jugular venous arch *Dorsal venous arch of the foot *Deep palmar venous arch *Superficial palmar venous arch … Wikipedia
Artery — A vessel that carries blood that is high in oxygen content away from the heart to the farthest reaches of the body. Since blood in arteries is usually full of oxygen, the hemoglobin in the red blood cells is oxygenated. The resultant form of… … Medical dictionary
arcus plantaris superficialis — [TA] superficial plantar arch: a rarely occurring superficial arterial arch, formed by anatosmosis between the medial and lateral plantar arteries … Medical dictionary