appliance — A device used to improve function of a part, or for therapeutic purposes. [fr, O. Fr. aplier, to apply, fr. L. applico, to fold together] craniofacial a. a device used to immobilize and/or reduce mandibular or midfacial fractures. SEE ALSO … Medical dictionary
edgewise attachment — see under appliance … Medical dictionary
universal appliance — an orthodontic appliance that combines the edgewise and ribbon arch techniques, affording precise control of individual teeth in all planes of space; it consists of bands or brackets or both for all the teeth in both arches … Medical dictionary
treatment — Medical or surgical management of a patient. SEE ALSO: therapy, therapeutics. [Fr. traitement (see treat)] active t. a therapeutic substance or course intended to ameliorate the basic disease … Medical dictionary
eyelet — eye·let (iґlet) an orthodontic attachment, usually used with an edgewise appliance, welded or soldered for better rotational control … Medical dictionary
Orthodontic technology — is a specialty of dental technology that is concerned with the design and fabrication of dental appliances for the treatment of malocclusions, which may be a result of tooth irregularity, disproportionate jaw relationships, or both. There are… … Wikipedia
Dental braces — (also known as orthodontic braces, or simply braces) are devices used in the orthodontic industry that help align and straighten teeth and help to position them with regard to a person’s bite, while also working to improve dental health. They are … Wikipedia
Mustafa Ülgen — (born 1945 in İnegöl Bursa Turkey) is a Turkish orthodontist. Contents 1 Biography 2 Publications 2.1 Publications In Turkish 2.1.1 E Books … Wikipedia
KFO-Gerät — Eine Zahnspange ist eine zahnmedizinische Apparatur, mit der Kiefer und Zahnfehlstellungen und oftmals damit verbundene muskuläre Dysbalanzen im Mundbereich korrigiert werden. Die Behandlung kann prinzipiell durch jeden Zahnarzt durchgeführt… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Multibandapparatur — Eine Zahnspange ist eine zahnmedizinische Apparatur, mit der Kiefer und Zahnfehlstellungen und oftmals damit verbundene muskuläre Dysbalanzen im Mundbereich korrigiert werden. Die Behandlung kann prinzipiell durch jeden Zahnarzt durchgeführt… … Deutsch Wikipedia