- Soxhlet apparatus
- an apparatus by which fatty or lipid constituents can be extracted from solid matter by repeated treatment with distilled solvent.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Soxhlet apparatus — Soxh·let apparatus (soksґlet) [Franz Ritter von Soxhlet, German chemist, 1848–1926] see under apparatus … Medical dictionary
Soxhlet apparatus — /ˈsɒkslət æpəˌratəs/ (say soksluht apuh.rahtuhs) noun a laboratory apparatus for extracting the soluble portion of any substance by continuously circulating a boiling solvent through it. {named after Franz von Soxhlet, 1848–1926, German… …
soxhlet apparatus — ˈsäkslə̇t noun Usage: usually capitalized S Etymology: after Franz von Soxhlet died 1926 German agricultural chemist, its inventor : an apparatus for use in extracting fatty or other material with a volatile solvent (as ether, alcohol, or… … Useful english dictionary
Soxhlet extractor — A Soxhlet extractor is a piece of laboratory apparatus invented in 1879 by Franz von Soxhlet [Soxhlet, F. Die gewichtsanalytische Bestimmung des Milchfettes, Polytechnisches J. (Dingler s) 1879, 232, 461] . It was originally designed for the… … Wikipedia
soxhlet extractor — noun also soxhlet Usage: usually capitalized S Etymology: after Franz von Soxhlet died 1926 : soxhlet apparatus; especially : the cylindrical extraction tube … Useful english dictionary
soxhlet extraction — noun Usage: usually capitalized S : extraction in a Soxhlet apparatus … Useful english dictionary
Soxhlet extractor — noun /ˈsɒkslət ɪkˌstɹæktə/ A piece of laboratory apparatus consisting of a glass reservoir that sits over a lower flask (containing a boiling solvent) and under a condenser; a sample contained in a paper thimble is placed in the reservoir and… … Wiktionary
Dean-Stark apparatus — For the video game character, see Wild Arms 5 A Dean Stark apparatus in use; aluminum foil is used to reduce radiative heat losses The Dean Stark apparatus or Dean Stark receiver or distilling trap is a piece of laboratory glassware used in… … Wikipedia
Melting point apparatus — A Fisher Johns apparatus A melting point apparatus is a scientific instrument used to determine the melting point of a substance. Some types of melting point apparatuses include the Thiele tube, Fisher Johns apparatus, Gallenkamp (Electronic)… … Wikipedia
Fluid extract — is a type of fluid solid extraction, that usually employ Soxhlet Apparatus to extract certain compound with known solubility in an solvent. Such as extracting lipids from a plant(solid) using ethanol(liquid) … Wikipedia