apertura mediana ventriculi quarti
- apertura mediana ventriculi quarti
- [TA] median aperture of fourth ventricle: a deficiency in the lower portion of the roof of the fourth ventricle through which the ventricular cavity communicates with the subarachnoid space; called also foramen of Magendie.
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apertura — SYN: aperture. [L. fr. aperio, pp. apertus, to open] a. aqueductus cerebri opening of aqueduct of midbrain. a. aqueductus mesencephali [TA] SYN: opening of aqueduct of midbrain. a. canaliculi cochleae SYN: external opening of … Medical dictionary
median aperture of fourth ventricle — apertura mediana ventriculi quarti … Medical dictionary
срединная апертура четвертого желудочка — (apertura mediana ventriculi quarti, PNA; apertura medialis ventriculi quarti, BNA; apertura mediana rhombencephali, JNA; син. Мажанди отверстие) отверстие в сосудистой основе IV желудочка головного мозга, расположенное в области нижнего угла… … Большой медицинский словарь
Среди́нная аперту́ра четвёртого желу́дочка — (apertura mediana ventriculi quarti, PNA; apertura medialis ventriculi quarti, BNA; apertura mediana rhombencephali, JNA; син. Мажанди отверстие) отверстие в сосудистой основе IV желудочка головного мозга, расположенное в области нижнего угла… … Медицинская энциклопедия
aperture — 1. An inlet or entrance to a cavity or channel. in anatomy, an open gap or hole. SEE ALSO: fossa, ostium, orifice, pore. 2. The diameter of the objective of a microscope. SYN … Medical dictionary
Foramen — Fora̱men [aus lat. foramen, Gen.: foraminis= Öffnung, Loch] s; s, ...mina: Loch, Lücke, Öffnung (Anat.). Fora̱mina alveo|la̱ria Mehrz.: 2 3 kleine Öffnungen am Zahnfortsatz des Oberkieferbeins, Durchtrittsstellen für Nerven und Gefäße. Fora̱men… … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Median aperture — Brain: Median aperture Scheme of roof of fourth ventricle. The arrow is in the foramen of Magendie. Latin apertura mediana ventriculi quarti Gray s … Wikipedia
Foramen of Magendie — An opening from the fourth ventricle, which is one in a system of four communicating cavities called ventricles within the brain that are continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord. The four ventricles consist of the two lateral… … Medical dictionary
metapore — Rarely used term for apertura mediana ventriculi quarti. [meta + G. poros, pore] … Medical dictionary
Magendie foramen space — Ma·gen·die foramen, space (mah zhah deґ) [Franзois Magendie, French physiologist, 1783–1855] see under space, and see apertura mediana ventriculi quarti … Medical dictionary