tetanus antitoxin — noun antitoxin given for short term immunization against tetanus in cases of possible exposure to the tetanus bacillus • Hypernyms: ↑antitoxin … Useful english dictionary
tetanus — tetanal, adj. tetanoid, adj. /tet n euhs/, n. 1. Pathol. an infectious, often fatal disease caused by a specific bacterium that enters the body through wounds and characterized by respiratory paralysis and tonic spasms and rigidity of the… … Universalium
Tetanus — Not to be confused with tinnitus. Tetanus Classification and external resources Muscular spasms (specifically opisthotonos) in a patient sufferi … Wikipedia
antitoxin — [an΄titäks′in] n. 1. a circulating antibody formed by the body, as active immunity, to act against a specific toxin 2. a sterile solution containing an antitoxin: it is taken from the blood serum of an immunized animal or person and injected into … English World dictionary
Antitoxin — An antibody capable of destroying microorganisms including viruses and bacteria. An antitoxin provides passive immunity. For example, if a child gets whooping cough (diphtheria), an antitoxin prepared in horses against diphtheria may be useful in … Medical dictionary
antitoxin — /an ti tok sin, an tee /, n. 1. a substance, formed in the body, that counteracts a specific toxin. 2. the antibody formed in immunization with a given toxin, used in treating certain infectious diseases or in immunizing against them. [1890 95;… … Universalium
Antitoxin — Diphtherie Antitoxin historisch Ein Antitoxin ist ein Gegengift, das bereits im Körper vorhandene Gifte unschädlich macht. Meist wird es aus dem Serum von Genesenden oder von großen Labortieren, wie Pferd und Rind gewonnen. Chemisch gesehen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wundstarrkrampf — Tetanus * * * Wụnd|starr|krampf 〈m. 1u; unz.〉 mit Krämpfen einhergehende, lebensgefährliche Infektion durch den Tetanusbazillus; Sy Tetanus * * * Wụnd|starr|krampf, der <o. Pl.> (Med.): Tetanus: bist du gegen W. geimpft? * * *… … Universal-Lexikon
TAS — tetanus antitoxin serum; therapeutic activities specialist; thoracoabdominal syndrome; thrombolytic assessment system; transcription based amplification system; traumatic apallic syndrome … Medical dictionary
TATST — tetanus antitoxin skin test … Medical dictionary