- air
- 1. A mixture of odorless gases found in the atmosphere in the following approximate percentages by volume after water vapor has been removed: oxygen, 20.95; nitrogen, 78.08; argon 0.93; carbon dioxide, 0.03; other gases, 0.01. Formerly used to mean any respiratory gas, regardless of its composition. 2. SYN: ventilate. [G. aer; L. aer]- a. hunger extremely deep ventilation such as occurs in patients with acidosis attempting to increase ventilation of alveoli and exhale more carbon dioxide. SEE ALSO: Kussmaul respiration.- minimal a. the volume of gas that remains in the lungs and cannot be expelled after they have been removed from the body, or after the chest has been opened.* * *acute insulin response; airway responsiveness; amino-imidazole ribonucleotide; aortoiliac reconstruction; automated image registration; average impairment rating
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air 'a(ə)r, 'e(ə)r n a mixture of invisible odorless tasteless sound-transmitting gases that is composed by volume chiefly of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 0.9 percent argon, 0.03 percent carbon dioxide, varying amounts of water vapor, and minute amounts of rare gases (as helium), that surrounds the earth with half its mass within four miles of the earth's surface, that has a pressure at sea level of about 14.7 pounds per square inch, and that has a density of 1.293 grams per liter at 0°C and 760 mm pressure* * *
(ār) [L. aer, from Gr. aēr] the gaseous mixture that makes up the earth's atmosphere; it is an odorless, colorless gas, consisting of about 1 part by volume of oxygen to 4 parts of nitrogen, the proportion varying somewhat according to conditions. It also contains small amounts of carbon dioxide, ammonia, argon, and other gases and organic matter.
Medical dictionary. 2011.