- K antigen
- [Ger. Kapsel capsule] a surface antigen found on the capsule of bacteria, external to the cell wall, such as the Salmonella Vi antigen or some found on pneumococci. Called also capsular a.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Antigen presentation — is a process in the body s immune system by which macrophages, dendritic cells and other cell types capture antigens and then enable their recognition by T cells. NOTOC The basis of adaptive immunity lies in the capacity of immune cells to… … Wikipedia
Antigen processing — is a biological process that prepares antigens for presentation to special cells of the immune system called T lymphocytes. This process involves two distinct pathways for processing of antigens from an organism s own (self) proteins or… … Wikipedia
antigen — ANTIGÉN s.n. Substanţă de natură proteică, determinând, la introducerea în organism, apariţia unui anticorp. – Din fr. antigène. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 antigén s. n., pl. antigéne Trimis de siveco, 26.05.2005. Sursa:… … Dicționar Român
antigen-presenting cells — (APCs) are cells that take in protein antigens, process them, and present antigen fragments to B cells and T cells in conjunction with class II MHC molecules so that the cells are activated. Macrophages, B cells, dendritic cells, and Langerhans… … Dictionary of microbiology
antigen-presenting cell — n any of various cells (as a macrophage or a B cell) that take up and process an antigen into a form that when displayed at the cell surface in combination with a molecule of the major histocompatibility complex is recognized by and serves to… … Medical dictionary
Antigen-Antikörper-Komplex — Antigen Antikörper Komplex, Immunkomplex, innerhalb der humoralen ⇒ Immunreaktion durch den Bindungsvorgang zwischen dem Epitop des Antigens und der variablen Region (Antigen Bindungsstelle) des Antikörpers mit Hilfe hydrophober Wechselwirkung,… … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
antigen — (n.) substance that causes production of an antibody, 1908, from Ger. Antigen, from Fr. antigène (1899), from anti (see ANTI (Cf. anti )) + Gk. gen (see GEN (Cf. gen)) … Etymology dictionary
antigen — antigen. См. антиген. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
antigen-binding site — antigen combining site the region of the immunoglobulin molecule that binds to antigens; there is one such site on each of the two Fab regions of each immunoglobulin monomer … Medical dictionary
antigen — àntigēn m DEFINICIJA biol. bilo koja supstanca koja u određenim uvjetima može inducirati specifičan imunološki odgovor i potaknuti stvaranje protutijela i senzibiliziranih T limfocita, s kojima onda reagira ETIMOLOGIJA anti + gen … Hrvatski jezični portal
antigen — ► NOUN ▪ a harmful substance which causes the body to produce antibodies. DERIVATIVES antigenic adjective … English terms dictionary