- complete antigen
- an antigen that both stimulates the immune response and reacts with the products (e.g., antibody) of that response.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Antigen processing — is a biological process that prepares antigens for presentation to special cells of the immune system called T lymphocytes. This process involves two distinct pathways for processing of antigens from an organism s own (self) proteins or… … Wikipedia
Complete blood count — Blood count redirects here. For the Billy Strayhorn composition, see Blood Count. Complete blood count Diagnostics Schematics (also sometimes called Fishbones ) of shorthand for complete blood count commonly used by clinicians and healthcare… … Wikipedia
antigen — Any substance that, as a result of coming in contact with appropriate cells, induces a state of sensitivity and/or immune responsiveness after a latent period (days to weeks) and that reacts in a demonstrable way with antibodies and/or immune… … Medical dictionary
Prostate specific antigen — (PSA) is a protein produced by the cells of the prostate gland. PSA is present in small quantities in the serum of normal men, and is often elevated in the presence of prostate cancer and in other prostate disorders. A blood test to measure PSA… … Wikipedia
Malaria antigen detection tests — A schematic diagram of a dipstick Malaria antigen detection tests are a group of commercially available tests that allow the rapid diagnosis of malaria by people who are not otherwise skilled in traditional laboratory techniques for diagnosing… … Wikipedia
Colton antigen system — The Colton antigen system (Co) is present on the membranes of red blood cells and in the tubules of the kidney[1] and helps determine a person s blood type. The Co antigen is found on a protein called aquaporin 1 which is responsible for water… … Wikipedia
Dog leukocyte antigen — The dog leukocyte antigen (DLA) is a part of the major hisocompatability complex (MHC) in dogs, the DLA encodes for genes in the MHC. The DLA and MHC system are interchangeable terms in canines. The MHC plays a critical role in the immune… … Wikipedia
hepatitis B surface antigen — n an antigen that is usu. a surface particle from the hepatitis B virus and that is found in the sera esp. of patients with hepatitis B abbr. HBsAg called also Australia antigen * * * (HBsAg) a coat protein antigen of the hepatitis B virus… … Medical dictionary
hepatitis B core antigen — (HBcAg) a core protein antigen of the hepatitis B virus present inside complete virions (Dane particles) and in the nuclei of infected hepatocytes, indicating the presence of replicating hepatitis B virus; the antigen is not present in the blood… … Medical dictionary
holoantigen — holo·an·ti·gen (hōl″o anґtĭ jən) complete antigen, as opposed to hapten … Medical dictionary