bony ankylosis

bony ankylosis
the union of the bones of a joint by proliferation of bone cells, resulting in complete immobility; called also true a.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • ankylosis — Stiffening or fixation of a joint as the result of a disease process, with fibrous or bony union across the joint. [G. a., stiffening of a joint] artificial a. SYN: arthrodesis. bony a. SYN: synostosis …   Medical dictionary

  • ankylosis — n. pathological fusion of two bones across a joint space resulting from prolonged joint inflammation or infection. In bony ankylosis the joint space is obliterated by bony tissue as a result of chronic inflammatory conditions, such as ankylosing… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Анкилоз (Ankylosis) — сращение костей в суставе, либо заращение его костной тканью (костный анкилоз (bony ankylosis)), либо соединительной фиброзной ткани (fibrous ankylosis). Анкилоз является осложнением длительно протекающего воспалительного заболевания сустава; он… …   Медицинские термины

  • true ankylosis — bony a …   Medical dictionary

  • АНКИЛОЗ — (ankylosis) сращение костей в суставе, либо заращение его костной тканью (костный анкилоз (bony ankylosis)), либо соединительной фиброзной ткани (fibrous ankylosis). Анкилоз является осложнением длительно протекающего воспалительного заболевания… …   Толковый словарь по медицине

  • occipitalization — Bony ankylosis between the atlas and occipital bone. * * * oc·cip·i·tal·iza·tion (ok sip″ĭ təl ĭ zaґshən) synostosis of the atlas with the occipital bone …   Medical dictionary

  • spondylitis — Inflammation of one or more of the vertebrae. [spondyl + G. itis, inflammation] ankylosing s. arthritis of the spine, resembling rheumatoid arthritis, that may progress to bony ankylosis with lipping of vertebral margi …   Medical dictionary

  • stereoarthrolysis — Production of a new joint with mobility in cases of bony ankylosis. [stereo + G. arthron, joint, + lysis, loosening] * * * ster·eo·ar·throl·y·sis (ster″e o ahr throlґĭ sis) [stereo + arthro + lysis] operative formation of a movable new …   Medical dictionary

  • synostosis — Osseous union between two bones that are not supposed to be united; commonly refers to formation of a bony bundle between the radius and ulna following fracture of these two bones. SYN: bony ankylosis, synosteosis, true ankylosis. [syn + G.… …   Medical dictionary

  • otosclerosis — A disease of the otic capsule (bony labyrinth) characterized by formation of soft, vascular bone and resulting in progressive conductive hearing loss because of fixation of the stapes and sensory …   Medical dictionary

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