
1. An antibody that causes clumping or agglutination of the bacteria or other cells that either stimulated the formation of the a., or contain immunologically similar, reactive antigen. SYN: agglutinating antibody, immune a.. 2. A substance, other than a specific agglutinating antibody, that causes organic particles to agglutinate, e.g., plant a..
- blood group agglutinins see Blood Groups appendix.
- chief a. SYN: major a..
- cold a. an antibody which reacts more efficiently at temperatures below 37°C.
- cross-reacting a. SYN: group a..
- flagellar a. SYN: H a. (1).
- group a. an immune a. specific for a “shared” or common antigen. SYN: cross-reacting a..
- H a. 1. an a. that is formed as the result of stimulation by, and which reacts with, the thermolabile antigen(s) in the flagella of motile strains of microorganisms; SYN: flagellar a.. 2. see ABO blood group, Blood Groups appendix.
- immune a. SYN: a. (1).
- incomplete a. (a-gloo′ti-nin) antibody that binds to antigen but does not induce agglutination. These antibodies are usually of the IgG class and are referred to as incomplete antibody.
- major a. immune a. present in greatest quantity in an antiserum and evoked by the most dominant of a mosaic of antigens. SYN: chief a..
- minor a. immune a. present in an antiserum in lesser concentration than the major a.. SYN: partial a..
- O a. 1. an a. that is formed as the result of stimulation by, and that reacts with, the relatively thermostable antigen(s) that are part of the cell wall of certain microorganisms; SYN: somatic a.. 2. see ABO blood group, Blood Groups appendix.
- partial a. SYN: minor a..
- plant a. a lectin.
- saline a. an antibody that causes agglutination of erythrocytes when they are suspended either in saline or in a protein medium. SYN: complete antibody.
- somatic a. SYN: O a. (1).
- warm agglutinins an a. that is more reactive at 37°C than at lower temperatures.

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ag·glu·ti·nin ə-'glüt-ən-ən n a substance (as an antibody) producing agglutination

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an antibody that brings about the agglutination of bacteria, blood cells, or other antigenic particles.

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ag·glu·ti·nin (ə-glooґtĭ-nin) 1. antibody that aggregates a particulate antigen, e.g., bacteria, following combination with the homologous antigen in vivo or in vitro. 2. any substance other than antibody, e.g., lectin, that is capable of agglutinating particles.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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