- amyoplasia congenita
- a generalized lack of muscular development and growth, with contracture and deformity at most of the joints; called congenital multiple arthrogryposis and arthrogryposis multiplex congenita.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Amyoplasia congenita — Amyo|pla̱sia* con|ge̱nita [zu a...,1 ↑myo... u. gr. πλασσειν = bilden; ↑congenitus] w; : angeborene Fehlbildung der Muskulatur mit Gelenkkontrakturen … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
amyoplasia — Deficient formation of muscle tissue and deficient muscle growth. [G. a priv. + mys, muscle, + plasis, a molding] a. congenita SYN: arthrogryposis multiplex congenita. * * * amyo·pla·sia (a mi″o plaґzhə) [a 1 + myo + plasia] lack of… … Medical dictionary
myodystrophia fetalis — amyoplasia congenita … Medical dictionary
амиоплазия врожденная — (amyoplasia congenita; а + греч. mys, myos мышца + plasis формирование, образование) см. Артрогрипоз … Большой медицинский словарь
Амиоплази́я врождённая — (amyoplasia congenita; А + греч. mys, myos мышца + plasis формирование, образование) см. Артрогрипоз … Медицинская энциклопедия
Arthrogryposis — Joint contractures that develop before birth (prenatally) and are evident at birth (congenitally). A newborn with arthrogryposis lacks the normal range of motion in one or more joints. In normal embryonic development, the joints begin to develop… … Medical dictionary
Arthrogryposis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 Q74.3 ICD 9 728.3 … Wikipedia
List of diseases (O) — A list of diseases in the English wikipedia.O Ob* O Doherty syndrome * O Donnell Pappas syndrome * Obesity * Obesophobia * Obsessive compulsive disorder * Obstructive asymmetric septal hypertrophy * Obstructive sleep apneaOcOcc Och* Occipital… … Wikipedia