
A widespread genus of small mosquitoes frequently found in tropical and subtropical regions. [G. a., unpleasant, unfriendly]
- A. aegypti the yellow fever mosquito, a species that is also the vector of the pathogen of dengue; characterized by white lyre-shaped markings on the thorax.
- A. albopictus species that is an important vector of dengue viruses widespread in the Pacific basin.
- A. atlanticus mosquitoes in the family Culicidae known to transmit viruses that cause dengue, yellow fever, and encephalitis.
- A. caballus species that is an important vector of Rift Valley fever in Africa.
- A. dorsalis mosquito species that is a secondary or suspected vector of Western equine encephalitis.
- A. leucocelaenus species that transmits yellow fever in South America.
- A. melanimon mosquito species that is a vector of Western equine encephalitis and California group encephalitis.
- A. mitchellae mosquito species that is a secondary or suspected vector of Eastern equine encephalitis.
- A. nigromaculis mosquito species that is a secondary or suspected vector of Western equine encephalitis and California group encephalitis.
- A. polynesiensis species that is an important vector of filariasis and dengue in the Polynesian region.
- A. sollicitans a common salt-marsh mosquito species and vector of eastern equine encephalomyelitis on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States.
- A. taeniorhynchus mosquito species that is a vector of Venezuelan equine encephalitis and a secondary or suspected vector of California group encephalitis.
- A. triseriatus mosquito species that is a vector of California group encephalitis.
- A. trivittatus mosquito species that is a vector of California group encephalitis.
- A. variegatus a species that is a vector of filarial parasites in the Pacific Islands (Gilbert and Ellice group).
- A. vexans mosquito species that is a vector of California group encephalitis and a secondary or suspected vector of Eastern equine encephalitis.

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ae·des ā-'ē-(.)dēz n
1) cap a large cosmopolitan genus of mosquitoes that includes vectors of some diseases (as yellow fever and dengue)
2) pl aedes any mosquito of the genus Aedes
ae·dine -.dīn, -.dēn adj

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a genus of widely distributed mosquitoes occurring throughout the tropics and subtropics. Most species are black with distinct white or silvery-yellow markings on the legs and thorax. Aëdes species are not only important as vectors of dengue, yellow fever, filariasis, and Group B viruses causing encephalitis but also constitute a serious biting nuisance. A. aegypti is the principal vector of dengue and yellow fever.

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Ae·des (a-eґdēz) [Gr. aēdēs unpleasant] a genus of mosquitoes of the tribe Aedini, subfamily Culicinae, having broad appressed scales on the head and scutellum. The palpi in the female are short and sparsely tufted and have three segments of equal length; in the male, the palpi are long and tufted. In addition to the vectors listed below, the following species are annoying because of their bites: A. alґdrichi, A. commuґnis, A. excruґcians, A. puncґtor, A. stiґmulans, and A. vexґans. Also written »des.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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