allotypes — Genetically determined polymorphic variants. The term was first introduced to describe the different antigenic forms of rabbit gamma globulins. It was later extended to include polymorphic variants of plasma proteins in general (e.g.,… … Forensic science glossary
Am allotypes — [alpha chain marker] allotypes of human α2 chains (IgA2 heavy chains); two markers designated A2m(1) and A2m(2) have been identified … Medical dictionary
Gm allotypes — [gamma chain marker] allotypes of human γ chains (IgG heavy chains); 25 markers designated Gm(1) through Gm(25) have been identified. Each marker occurs only in certain specific IgG subclasses. A specific allotype (allelic γ chain) may… … Medical dictionary
Inv allotypes — Km a s … Medical dictionary
protein — proteinaceous /proh tee nay sheuhs, tee i nay /, proteinic, proteinous, adj. /proh teen, tee in/, n. 1. Biochem. any of numerous, highly varied organic molecules constituting a large portion of the mass of every life form and necessary in the… … Universalium
allotype — Any one of the genetically determined antigenic differences within a given class of immunoglobulin that occur among members of the same species. SEE ALSO: antibody. SYN: allotypic marker. [allo + G. typos, model] Gm allotypes (al′lo tips) refers… … Medical dictionary
allotype — Products of one or more alleles that can be detected as inherited variants of a particular molecule. Usually the usage is restricted to those immunoglobulins that can be separately detected antigenically. See also idiotype. In humans light chain… … Dictionary of molecular biology
KIR3DL1 — Killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, three domains, long cytoplasmic tail, 1, also known as KIR3DL1, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: KIR3DL1 killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor, three domains, long cytoplasmic tail, 1|… … Wikipedia
Anti-corps — Anticorps Un anticorps est une protéine complexe utilisée par le système immunitaire pour détecter et neutraliser les antigènes de manière spécifique. Les anticorps sont sécrétés par des cellules dérivées des lymphocytes B : les… … Wikipédia en Français
Anticorps — Pour l’article homophone, voir Anticor. Un anticorps est une protéine complexe utilisée par le système immunitaire pour détecter et neutraliser les agents pathogènes de manière spécifique. Les anticorps sont sécrétés par des cellules… … Wikipédia en Français