
ali·as·ing (aґle-əs-ing) 1. introduction of an artifact or error in sampling of a periodic signal when the sampling frequency is too low to properly capture the signal. 2. in pulsed Doppler ultrasonography, an artifact occurring when the velocity of the sampled object exceeds the pulse repetition frequency of the sampling system; the system cannot sample rapidly enough for Doppler frequency determination. 3. an artifact appearing in magnetic resonance imaging when a part being examined is larger than the field of view; an image of the area outside the field of view appears as an artifact inside the field of view. Called also aliasing artifact and wraparound artifact.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Aliasing — This article applies to signal processing, including computer graphics. For uses in computer programming, please refer to aliasing (computing). In statistics, signal processing, computer graphics and related disciplines, aliasing refers to an… …   Wikipedia

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