cutis or cutis vera
1cutis vera — cutis ve·ra vi(ə)r ə n, pl cutes ve·rae vi(ə)r .ē DERMIS …
2cutis vera — noun see cutis * * * /kyooh tis vear euh/, pl. cutes verae /kyooh teez vear ee/. cutis. [ < L: lit., true skin] …
3cutis vera — /kyooh tis vear euh/, pl. cutes verae /kyooh teez vear ee/. cutis. [ < L: lit., true skin] * * * …
5cutis — /ˈkjutəs/ (say kyoohtuhs) noun the corium or true skin, beneath the epidermis. Also, cutis vera /ˈvɪərə/ (say vearruh). {Latin: skin} …
6cutis — SYN: skin. [L.] c. anserina contraction of the arrectores pilorum produced by cold, fear, or other stimulus, causing the follicular orifices to become prominent. SYN: goose flesh, gooseflesh. c. laxa [MIM*123700] SYN: dermatochalasis. c.… …
7Dermis — The lower or inner layer of the two main layers of cells that make up the skin. * * * A layer of skin composed of a superficial thin layer that interdigitates with the epidermis, the stratum papillare, and the stratum reticulare; it contains… …
8dermis — noun The tissue of the skin underlying the epidermis. Syn: derm, derma, corium, cutis, cutis vera See Also: pustule, skin …
9dermis — Synonyms and related words: Leatherette, Leatheroid, blastoderm, coat, corium, cuticle, cutis, cutis vera, derma, ectoblast, ectoderm, endothelium, entoderm, epiblast, epidermis, epithelium, fell, fleece, flesh, fur, furring, hide, hypodermis,… …
10epidermis — Synonyms and related words: blastoderm, border, circumference, corium, cortex, covering, crust, cursoriness, cutis, cutis vera, derma, dermis, ectoblast, ectoderm, endothelium, entoderm, envelope, epiblast, epithelium, exterior, exteriority,… …