- adenoacanthoma
- A malignant neoplasm consisting chiefly of glandular epithelium (adenocarcinoma), usually well differentiated, with foci of squamous (or epidermoid) neoplastic cells.
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ad·e·no·ac·an·tho·ma .ad-ən-(.)ō-.ak-.an-'thō-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə an adenocarcinoma with epithelial cells differentiated and proliferated into squamous cells* * *
ad·e·no·ac·an·tho·ma (ad″ə-no-ak″an-thoґmə) [adeno- + acanth- + -oma] an adenocarcinoma in which some or the majority of the cells exhibit squamous differentiation; called also adenosquamous or adenoid squamous cell carcinoma.
Medical dictionary. 2011.