- thought-stopping
- n.a technique of behaviour therapy used in the treatment of obsessional thoughts. Attention is voluntarily withdrawn from these thoughts and focused on some other vivid image or engrossing activity.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
thought-stopping — n. a technique of behaviour therapy used in the treatment of obsessional thoughts. Attention is voluntarily withdrawn from these thoughts and focused on some other vivid image or engrossing activity … The new mediacal dictionary
Stopping thought — is a term in Zen referring to the achievement of the mental state of samadhi, where the normal mental chatter slows and then stops for brief or longer periods, allowing the practitioner to experience the peace of liberation. This is normally… … Wikipedia
Фиксация Мыслей (Thought-Stopping) — прием в поведенческой терапии, который используется для избавления человека от навязчивых мыслей. Внимание человека отвлекается от этих мыслей и фокусируется на каком либо ярком образе или всецело поглощающей его деятельности. Источник:… … Медицинские термины
Stopping power — For the concept in nuclear physics, see stopping power (particle radiation). Contents 1 History 2 Dynamics of bullets 3 Wound … Wikipedia
without a second thought — phrase acting immediately, without stopping to think Without a second thought, she ran after the thief. Thesaurus: happening or done quickly, suddenly or immediatelysynonym Main entry: second * * * without a second ˈthought idiom … Useful english dictionary
heart-stopping — UK [ˈhɑː(r)t ˌstɒpɪŋ] US [ˈhɑrtˌstɑpɪŋ] adjective very frightening Thesaurus: making you feel afraidsynonym * * * ˈheart stopping [heart stopping] … Useful english dictionary
heart-stopping — [ˈhɑːt ˌstɒpɪŋ] adj very frightening or exciting For one heart stopping moment, I thought she was going to kiss me.[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
without a second thought — acting immediately, without stopping to think Without a second thought, she ran after the thief … English dictionary
ФИКСАЦИЯ МЫСЛЕЙ — (thought stopping) прием в поведенческой терапии, который используется для избавления человека от навязчивых мыслей. Внимание человека отвлекается от этих мыслей и фокусируется на каком либо ярком образе или всецело поглощающей его деятельности … Толковый словарь по медицине
Gedankenstopp — Der Gedankenstopp ist eine in den 50er Jahren entwickelte Technik der Verhaltenstherapie zum Unterbrechen sich häufig wiederholender, belastender (z.B. Zwangsgedanken) oder dysfunktionaler (Grübeln, Rumination) Gedanken. Der unerwünschte Gedanke… … Deutsch Wikipedia