- opticokinetic
- adj.relating to the movements of the eye.
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op·ti·co·ki·net·ic (op″tĭ-ko-kĭ-netґik) optokinetic.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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op·ti·co·ki·net·ic (op″tĭ-ko-kĭ-netґik) optokinetic.Medical dictionary. 2011.
opticokinetic drum test — optokinetic test, optokinetic drum test (for vision) a rotating drum or other figure is used, painted with vertical black and white stripes; because the eye involuntarily follows such a figure, this can be used in the differential diagnosis of… … Medical dictionary
opticokinetic — adj. relating to the movements of the eye … The new mediacal dictionary
opticokinetic nystagmus — optokinetic nystagmus the normal nystagmus occurring when looking at objects passing across the field of vision, as in viewing from a moving railroad car or automobile. It can be induced for testing purposes to check ocular and vestibular… … Medical dictionary
Nystagmus — Rapid rhythmic repetitious involuntary (unwilled) eye movements. Nystagmus can be horizontal, vertical or rotary. * * * Involuntary rhythmic oscillation of the eyeballs, either pendular or with a slow and fast component. [G. nystagmos, a nodding … Medical dictionary
Nystagmus — Horizontal optokinetic nystagmus, a normal (physiological) form of nystagmus ICD 10 H55, H81.4 … Wikipedia