maxillary antrum
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maxillary antrum — maxillary sinus … The new mediacal dictionary
maxillary antrum — noun see maxillary sinus … Useful english dictionary
maxillary sinus — n an air cavity in the body of the maxilla that communicates with the middle meatus of the nose called also antrum of Highmore * * * (maxillary antrum) see paranasal sinuses … Medical dictionary
maxillary sinus — maxillary antrum; see paranasal sinuses … The new mediacal dictionary
Antrum — A general term for cavity or chamber which may have specific meaning in reference certain organs or sites in the body. The antrum of the stomach (gastric antrum) is a portion before the outlet which is lined by mucosa which does not produce acid … Medical dictionary
maxillary sinus — noun one of a pair of sinuses forming a cavity in the maxilla • Hypernyms: ↑sinus * * * noun or maxillary antrum : an air cavity in the body of the maxilla that communicates with the middle meatus of the nose called also antrum of Highmore … Useful english dictionary
Maxillary sinus — Outline of bones of face, showing position of air sinuses. Latin sinus maxilliaris Gray s … Wikipedia
antrum of Highmore — antrum of High·more hī .mō(ə)r, .mȯ(ə)r n MAXILLARY SINUS Highmore Nathaniel (1613 1685) British surgeon. Highmore is remembered for his studies in anatomy. In 1651 he published a treatise on human anatomy that was noteworthy for its sound… … Medical dictionary
Пазуха Верхнечелюстная, Пазуха Гайморова (Maxillary Sinus), Полость Гайморова (Maxillary Antrum) — см. Пазухи носа придаточные. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
antrum of highmore — ˈhīˌmō(ə)r Usage: usually capitalized H Etymology: after Nathaniel Highmore died 1685 English physician who first described it : maxillary sinus … Useful english dictionary