contrast agent
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contrast agent — contrast medium … The new mediacal dictionary
imaging contrast agent — Imaging Contrast Agent Контрастный агент Молекула или молекулярный комплекс, который повышает интенсивность сигнала, детектируемого приборами для построения изображений, в том числе методами магнитного резонанса и ультразвуковой спектроскопии … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
Contrast-induced nephropathy — Classification and external resources ICD 10 N99.0 ICD 9 586 Co … Wikipedia
contrast medium — n a substance (as a solution of iodine or suspension of barium sulfate) comparatively opaque to X rays that is introduced into the body (as by injection or swallowing) to contrast an internal part (as the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, or blood … Medical dictionary
contrast medium — contrast agent a substance administered to enhance the visibility of structures (i.e. increase the contrast) during imaging. In radiography a positive contrast agent (e.g. barium sulphate or a water soluble iodine containing compound) increases… … The new mediacal dictionary
contrast nephrotoxicity — contrast agent nephrotoxicity, contrast induced nephrotoxicity, contrast medium nephrotoxicity see under nephropathy … Medical dictionary
Contrast medium — A medical contrast medium (or contrast agent) is a substance used to enhance the contrast of structures or fluids within the body in medical imaging.[1] It is commonly used to enhance the visibility of blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract … Wikipedia
Agent Smith — The Matrix character Movie poster for The Matrix Revolutions, featuring some of the numerous copies of Smith. First appearance … Wikipedia
contrast nephropathy — contrast induced nephropathy, contrast medium nephropathy, contrast medium–induced nephropathy kidney damage by a contrast medium. usually seen in patients already weakened by some other condition such as diabetes mellitus, proteinuria,… … Medical dictionary
agent — 1. An active force or substance capable of producing an effect. For agents not listed here, see the specific name. 2. A disease, a factor such as a microorganism, chemical substance, or a form of radiation the presence or … Medical dictionary