- anthrop-
prefix denotingthe human race. Examples: anthropogenesis or anthropogeny (origin and development of); anthropoid (resembling); anthropology (science of).
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
anthrop- — ⇒ANTHROP(O) , (ANTHROP , ANTHROPO )élément préf. Élément de compos. empr. du gr. (de « homme »), utilisé pour la formation de nombreux termes dans différents domaines scientifiques. A. SC. HUM. 1. GÉOGRAPHIE : anthropogéographie, subst. fém. «… … Encyclopédie Universelle
-anthrop- — LAff Mensch per. Wortschatz bildg. ( ) Beschreibung von Affixen. Das griechische Wort für Mensch (gr. ánthrōpos) wird sowohl als Vorderglied wie auch als Hinterglied von Komposita in die neulateinische Wissenschaftssprache entlehnt und wird in… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
anthrop. — anthrop. (anthropological) adj. pertaining to the study of the development of the human race anthrop. (anthropology) n. study of the development of the human race … English contemporary dictionary
Anthrop.... — Anthrop...., s. u. Anthropos … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
anthrop — abbrev. 1. anthropological 2. anthropology * * * … Universalium
anthrop — abbrev. 1. anthropological 2. anthropology … English World dictionary
anthrop- — combining form or anthropo Etymology: Latin anthropo , from Greek anthrōp , anthrōpo , from anthrōpos, perhaps irregular from andr , anēr man (male person) + ōpos (from ōps face) more at andr , optic : human … Useful english dictionary
anthrop. — 1. anthropological. 2. anthropology. * * * anthrop , combining form. the form of anthropo (Cf. ↑anthropo ) before vowels, as in anthropoid. anthrop., 1. anthropological. 2. anthropology … Useful english dictionary
anthrop- — or anthropo combining form Etymology: Latin anthropo , from Greek anthrōp , anthrōpo , from anthrōpos human being < anthropogenic > … New Collegiate Dictionary
anthrop — /ˈænθrɒp/ (say anthrop) noun Colloquial an anthropologist …
anthrop — abbreviation anthropological; anthropology … New Collegiate Dictionary